Less than 200 euros for a flight from Paris to New York City!

No, you’re not dreaming!

The low-cost airline business

Last year, the airline company, Norwegian, inaugurated its first flight from Paris to New York City. So far that was nothing unusual. But it was without counting the price, indeed for this flight the price for the one-way ticket was 179 euros, less than 200 euros for a long-haul flight!

In tourism, low-cost flights have become normal especially for short flights. Furthermore, some airlines are exclusively specialized in this market, such as Ryanair, Vueling, Easyjet and Volotea, to name but a few. This is a sector that is doing very well because people want to travel more but they don’t want to spend more money. It is quite the contrary -people compare more and more prices and the Internet allows to do so quickly and efficiently. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAC), the traffic of low-cost airlines represents 28% of world traffic.

From Lyon to London or from Paris to New York, 24 and 179 euros respectively. How is this possible?

Several factors allow low-cost airlines to cut the prices.

The employees
First, the number of employees is lower than a normal airline. For example, Ryanair employs 13,000 people, whereas Air France employs 82,000 people.  However, those employees work more, for example a pilot of medium-haul flights, at Air France, works an average of 565 hours a year compared to 900 hours for a Ryanair pilot. The pace of work is intense, but according to the employees the pace is bearable.
To cut costs even more low-cost airlines does not employ cleaning companies but it is the flight attendants themselves who clean the plane after each landing.

The Planes
Low-cost airlines own only one type of aircraft, which allows them to improve the maintenance organization and the training of pilots. Moreover, those airlines often renew their planes, because a recent plane require less maintenance.

Planes spend as little time as possible on the ground, because the parking of an aircraft at an airport costs money. Indeed, the more delay there is, the more expensive it is. Consequently, planes flight more, allowing airlines to operate at least four return flights daily, and so equipment is specifically designed to run continuously.

In low-cost airlines there are more passengers on board, because the seats are tighter.  In addition, to ensure the maximum use of the space on board of their aircraft, airlines routinely practice what is called over-selling. This means that airlines sell more seats than are available and thus to avoid flying with empty seats.

Extra-cost option
You pay for your flight out and return, from Lyon to Berlin, less than 70 euros? Well done! But have you taken all additional costs into account? I don’t think so!

It all starts at the airport with hold baggage, from airline to airline the prices vary from 35 euros for the first luggage to 75 euros for the second luggage. Then aboard the aircraft it is the same model given that there is no free lunch whether it is for a short-haul flight or a long-haul flight. However, passengers can still buy a sandwich or a meal tray.

If you want a specific seat or more space for your legs, you will have to pay extra costs. Even if you want a blanket you will have to pay. Without counting the multimedia aspect with Wi-Fi or recent movies.

All these additional costs can easily double the cost base.

Low-cost flights and low-cost airlines are today significant alternatives for everyone who wants to travel at a lower price, however the passengers have to be careful to all extra charges and they should not expect a high level of comfort and service.
Furthermore, the Irish airline Ryanair owns more planes, performs more flights and carries more passengers than Air France. In 2016, Ryanair carried almost 117 million passengers compared to the 93,4 million for Air France-KLM.

Low-cost flight is a promising sector therefore the competition is very strong and for some years new competitors appeared. Competitors from the middle East and from Asia offer lower prices with quite a good service quality. Is it the beginning of a price war?

Myriam S.


  1. Hello Myriam,
    I didn’t know that a flight from Paris to New York could be so cheap. Therefore, as I was interested I’ve made my own searches for a flight on the Norwegian company, but the problem is that the dates of the flights with such discounts are really restricted.
    In addition to what you’ve said, I know few people that didn’t have troubles when travelling with low-cost companies most of time because of the luggage weight and the extra money that you have to give. I personally had many troubles because of that with the Vueling and Rayanair companies.
    But is it really possible to pay a cheap flight ticket and still have good benefits from good quality services?

    1. Hello Ophélie,

      Yes, unfortunately the dates for a flight from Paris to New york are very restricted (in the middle of the week and/or during school/working time).
      Today it is possible to pay a cheap flight with Asian airlines but they don't operate at all airports. And I think that in the years to come to avoid this competition European airlines may change their baggage policy.
      For the moment low-cost flights are good alternatives for a short trip when you don't need a large suitcase, and for a flight of 2/3 hours, additional services can be dispensed.

      But I recommand you to compare prices and especially to read carefully the terms of each company, this will avoid unpleasant surprises once at the airport.


  2. Hi Myriam,

    What a great topic! I had no idea about the reasons why these flights were actually so cheap ! I think travelling has become way too expensive and it's a pitty because many people don't get the chance to experience it.

    I have travelled several times with Easyjet and I never encountered any problem of delay as you often read in negative comments on the internet.

    However, I think their restrictive luggage policy can be very picky sometimes. Not having any small handbag or backpack allowed in addition to your light suitcase often causes many problems and arguments with the crew in the waiting line. I think they are not being really clear about it on their website and that's why so many people get surprised once queueing up for entering the plane. I think low-cost companies really should allow passengers to carry on at least a little purse or a light backpack so that people can bring along some personal items with them onto the plane.

    As regarding the small sizes of the luggage, I don't think this is the main problem. Personally, wherever I go I always get by with travelling light and I think it is way more convenient to do so rather than having to carry around too many useless items.

    Travelling is so unpredictable I think even when you pay a little more money, you're never escaping problems anyway.


    1. Hello Manon,
      Thank you for your comment.
      I didn't write on the article but as you said, the fact that small handbags/backpacks are not allowed is one of the biggest drawback of Easyjet, for Easyjet this restrictive policy is a security issue, but I think it is more a weight question. Because if each passengers carry a bag, it will add weight and so use more gas. The solution is to carry less passengers, but this solution is unthinkable for low-cost airlines, because less passangers mean less money and more back and forth.

      Travelling is becoming so easy, but if you wan't to travel whitout paying a fortune you have to pay close attention to the terms of each airlines.


  3. Angélique Louis5 November 2017 at 09:04

    Hi Myriam,

    Your article was really instructive. But to be honest it rose questions concerning the real benefits that consumers will get from this war on prices in the long term. At the moment a handful of airlines dominate the market. For example, in the U.S 4 companies share 83% of the air traffic business. Don't you think that the lack of diversity among air travel providers would become unfavorable to consumers ?

    1. Hey Angélique,
      thank you for your comment. Concerning the lack of diversity I think it may be a problem for travellers, especially for date and time of flights (during school/working time or in the middle of the week) and maybe about the choice of destinations. But it will be a problem more for airlines because the number of clients will decrease. Consequently airlines will have to adapt to client desires and preferences.


  4. Hello Myriam, and thank you for this very interesting article.

    Wow, 179€ to travel to New York, that's crazy!
    I travelled back and forth to Barcelona a lot this summer so I used Vueling a lot and what I noticed with low-cost flights is how random their quality can be.
    I remember that one flight where I barely had any space for my legs and couldn't store my luggage anywhere because of how small the plane was. The worse thing is... the plane wasn't clean AT ALL. I took the plane again a few weeks later and my experience was totally different and it almost didn't feel like a low-cost flight.
    The real problem with low-cost companies is that you never know what you're going to get, but I guess it's a risk you have to take if you want to travel with a small budget.

    Loussiné S.

    1. Good evening Loussiné, and thank you for your comment.

      I agreed with you on the fact that you never know what you're going to get, sometime expectations are too high. There, we can be rapidly disapointed but other timeswe can be surprised by the quality of the service. I believe that at such a low price, we can not have everything, and that is very sad.


  5. Hello Myriam!
    I've learnt a lot through your article. I think this is great to travel with such low prices and it will be easier to discover other countries.
    Therefore, planes massively pollute and a lot of NGOs or scientists say that global warming is due to transportation. Also, with such affordable prices, people will be encouraged to travel more and to use plane instead of train for instance. It is important to note that in 2012, civil and business aviation emitted 650 million tonnes of CO2 worldwide (the same quantity as Germany).

    Thanks again for your article,
    J. Laforge

    1. Hello Julien,
      thank you for your interesting comment.

      Global warming is an important issue, but unfortunately business aviation cares much about money generated by this business. Airline also play on the fact that aviation is easier, you can flight from point A to B without any intermediate connections.


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