Guerilla Marketing : minimal cost and maximum impact

Nowadays, the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns has significantly decreased and companies have had to find new alternatives to make a lasting impression on consumers. They feel the need to create a stronger relationship with their audience by impacting their minds. By using unconventional methods such as guerilla marketing, companies are implementing new ideas to promote their product or service with a low-cost strategy and the aim to reach maximum results.

Levinson and the Guerilla Marketing

In 1983 the term Guerilla Marketing was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson (1933-2013), an American business writer. The term was inspired by guerilla warfare and the elements of surprise used by armed civilians such as ambushes or raids. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerilla marketing uses the same kind of tactics in the marketing industry. Levinson suggests in his book: “you don't need many. You need only one good one.” (Guerilla Marketing, 1983). To be efficient, the campaign needs to be unique and well made.

A traditional way no longer effective

At the moment, traditional forms of marketing such as TV, newspapers, magazines, or direct mail no longer have impact on people. Because they are exposed to too much advertising, they are becoming familiar with the on-going same type of advertisement. Traditional forms of marketing have lost their power to attract consumers’ attention and reached a point where they are no longer efficient. Marketers have had to find alternative and new ways to talk to consumers.

In recent years, the popularity of the guerilla concept has been growing steadily. Today, guerilla marketing is mainly used by SMEs because of its rather low-cost investment. Companies are concerned with brain awareness and know that if the campaign is successful the message will make a better and lasting impression on consumers. Guerrilla marketing campaigns aim to strike the consumer at a more personal and memorable level by creating emotion, and sometimes by simply making him smile.

Creative and surprising

This alternative way of advertising relies heavily on campaigns conceived with energy, time, and creativity rather than money. Guerrilla marketing is about taking the consumer by surprise. It became an ideal tool for companies to reach a larger audience, be noticed, and especially to earn the reputation of being fun and different.

Consumers or customers are targeted in the most unusual occasions to add surprise and shock to their day to day routine. By taking place where people least except it, guerilla marketing campaigns are succeeding in getting people’s attention. It is all about focusing on the customer and proposing something unique, original and different to have a stronger impact on individuals that will then tell their experience to others. – High quality TV Channel TNT (Belgium)

A wide range of tactics
Making an emotional connection with the consumer can be achieved thanks to different types of instruments.

Viral marketing uses methods to incite a communication process by creating buzz with a video clip being massively shared on the internet for instance. This method doesn’t increase the cost of the campaign but stimulates the diffusion of the message. Indeed, consumers that have been surprised with the message will tend to share their experience with others.

Ambient marketing consists in placing ads at unusual or unexpected places where people spend a lot of time such as buses, metro station, or street benches. 
Sensation marketing aims at surprising pedestrians in public places by actions to catch the attention of the passerby, surprising the consumer with something unexpected to draw their attention to the advertising.

In the last decades, a revolutionary marketing technique known as Guerilla Marketing has found its way in society. This form of marketing often has a high return on investment and enables companies to focus on the consumer with creativity and emotion rather than budget. The key idea is to impress your audience by creating memorable moments.


  1. Hi Manon,
    Thank you for your article, I now know that this is called “Guerilla Marketing”, I knew what it is but I didn’t know its specific term.

    I think this kind of marketing is an effective way to make people remember the company.
    And personally, when advertisement makes me laugh or even cry, I tend to share it with my entourage. So, information can easily be spread by word-of-mouth and touch many people.
    However, I don’t like when the guerrilla marketing is too intrusive. For instance in the video of “High Quality TV Channel TNT (Belgium)”, actions are really impressive, maybe to much for me. If this would have happened next to met, I wouldn’t have stayed, maybe I would have run, specially at the gunshot moment.
    In fact, the message isn’t clear and is revealed only at the end: It can attract curious people as well as it can afraid people like me, lol.

    That’s why I prefer the ambient marketing that proceeds in a more subtle way.
    Don’t you think the same?


    1. Hi Ophélie,

      Thank your very much for your comment! I am glad you liked my article.

      Regarding the "intrusive" aspect of Guerilla Marketing, there are many different ways to implement this strategy. I understand your point of view and I agree with you on the fact it can scare people, but if you did decide to push the button, you're in some way willing to add some drama to your day. It is all about that shocking live action of the ad experience that makes it unforgettable and unique. Yes, it might appear intrusive and brutal at some point, but the goal is really to make the video viral go on the internet to get advantage of the free advertising it creates.

      Ambient marketing is a more soft approach but also used for different purposes.

      I think the choice of the marketing tactic depends on which company is sending the message and for what product or service : a TV Channel network in the case of the Belgian ad or a watch producer company with ambient marketing)


  2. Hey Manon,
    Very interesting subject !
    The word guerilla may appears as a strong word, but to my opinion it is not even enough to describe what publicists often do to our brains.
    it reminds me of subliminal advertising, which is now forbidden because it was clearly too much...even dangerous for one's brain !
    Do you think that the end justifies the means ?
    Do you think its ethic to do anything to earn money ?
    The adverts you linked were really funny and nice, but not everyone is like that, some people to earn money are ready to go way further. It's very commun to hear lies, fake testimonies, aggressive marketing etc.
    I clearly enjoyed the videos, thank you !

    1. Hi!

      Thank you for your comment.
      I actually think that there are limits to advertising. You don't want to lie to your consumers by making them believe things that are not true about your product or service (as you said lies, fake testimonies, or agressive marketing). That would be completely inappropriate.

      However, it is clear that today the consumer should really be the main focus for companies. That's why these examples really show how you can make your consumer take part in what you're offering. The consumer needs to feel part of something that breaks with its traditional day routine. This strategy relies on creating buzz as people will tend to tell their friends about this experience.
      Again, this type of marketing strategy will always be criticized because of its unconventional pattern but I am convinced it is a good way to talk to consumers.

  3. Dear Manon,

    Your post is very interesting and it made me realise that we really are surrounded by ads and logos ! If we do look closely, we can note that there are hundreds of them arround us in our everyday life. In that sense, don't you think that companies are doing too much marketing ?
    In my opinion, people no longer pay attention to all these "marketing tags". They are part of our daily life, sometimes they make us smile, or think,but do they really make us consume more ? I am not sure.

    1. Hi Quentin!

      Thanks for your comment.
      Regarding ads and logos we see on a daily basis, I agree with you that people no longer pay attention to those marketing tags. I would even say that they try to avoid them as much as possible. This is the case for TV ads where you can just change the channel or for ads on YouTube, where you can choose to skip it. It's obvious that people are sick of these types of advertisements.

      That's why guerilla marketing doesn't follow the traditional form of advertising. It focuses on a unique and shocking experience to surprise people so that they can later share their experience with others. This free advertising will help the company reach new consumers, create customer loyalty and get people to buy its products or services in the long-term.


  4. Dear Manon,

    Thank you for this very interesting article. I heard a lot about 'Guerilla Marketing' during my Bachelor and I have always found this form of advertising to be efficient and powerful. It is also a great way for customers to get to know companies.
    However, I feel like advertising is pretty much everywhere nowadays and tends to be too intrusive, what makes 'Guerilla Marketing' different, in your opinion?


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