Samsung burns out

The leading brand and historic competitor of Apple has had to face some difficulties lately and most precisely since the Galaxy Note 7 has been on the market.




The new smartphone of the brand failed

Launched on August the 2nd, Samsung’s latest smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7, was eagerly anticipated. Planned to be in competition with the iPhone 7, which has been on the market since October 16th, the new top of the range product of Samsung was aiming to tackle the bottom of the range Chinese smartphones as well. With its €859 price for the European market, it was commercialized on August the 19th.
Yet, whereas the Note 7 was considered as the best smartphone to fight this way the disappointing results for the last few years, problems were on their way – it seems that the battery overheats and could explode.

Smartphones on fire

Although the company got better market share than its American competitors (22.4%), there has been at  least 35 incidents that have been reported and that have led Samsung to recall its products a month after its commercialization, which is 2.5 billion smartphones. The battery explosions could have cost the South Korean giant nearly $1 billion   to recall.

In September, the group asked South Korean consumers not to use their smartphones anymore until they were replaced the  operation would start the following week.

Collapse at Seoul

On September 12th, Samsung’s share price collapsed by 7% in the Seoul stock market after the announcement of recommended precautions by the giant of the phone sector. The loss is estimated at 15 000 billion South Korean won, the biggest on a session for the manufacturer.
At the beginning of October, Samsung resumed sales in South Korea. Despite the fact that 80% of the smartphones have been changed, some users have seen their new one overheat. With these new complaints, the company reassured its consumers that it was just a few isolated cases.

Devastating crisis management and end of the disaster

Even though the failing smartphones were replaced and the new complaints defused, the problems concerning the battery explosion remained. On October 5th, an airplane was evacuated after the Galaxy Note 7 started to smoke whereas it  had been replaced.
And the poor crisis management settled by the South Korean group can only be noticed given that on October 11th they actually admitted that the replaced products, which have been distributed, really had a problem.
With this case, it’s the reliability and the trust in the brand that have been damaged and may have benefited Samsung’s competitors and first of all Apple, the market leader in top of the range smartphones.
In order to avoid other incidents, the company announced on October 11th that the Galaxy Note 7 will no longer be produced and commercialized.

Financial forecasts and compensations

Samsung Electronics foresees a loss of its profits estimated at $5.3 billion in this quarter because of the Galaxy Note 7. Moreover, the brand has undertaken to pay financial compensation to its customers in South Korea and in the United States if they accept to change their Note 7 for another smartphone of the brand. This is aiming to stem the impacts on the sales.

Samsung vs Apple

As if it was not enough, Samsung has just lost against Apple in a court battle. The cause of the legal battle was the slide to unlock function on the smartphone which was patented by the juicy brand.
Although the two groups had signed an agreement on this issue, Samsung had gone back by justifying itself to have been forced. The court has had to intervene again and has sentenced the South-Korean firm to pay the amount of $119.6 billion.
Another point of contention is the design of some smartphones. The American brand reproaches once more Samsung with having copied them especially concerning the round angle of the smartphones box.
However, Samsung can still have a little hope the Supreme Court has to rule on the patent issue and could come back on the notions of technological innovation and copyright protection.

Cindy M.


  1. Hi Cindy!
    Thank you for your article. It is a bit scary but I found it truly interesting.
    You said that people got financial compensations if they changed their Note 7 for another Samsung's smartphone. But is this only if your phone burnt out or can you get the financial compensation anyway if you have a Note 7? Did people whose phone had burnt out receive a financial compensation if they had been seriously injured?
    And have you ever had a Note 7?

    Floriane C.

    1. Hi Floriane!
      Thank you for having read my article and for your questions and sorry for the late answer.
      People got financial compensation even if their smartphone haven't burnt out. It's corresponded to the price difference between the Note 7 they've bought and the smartphone they've choosen and if I'm not wrong, they only have had the choice between the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. For those who didn't want to get another smartphone, they got a refund. But I've heard that some people have had trouble with all of this. Apparently, it's taken time to receive compensation or refund.
      I haven't heard of any injuries but some people got some serious damage in their house and Samsung have refused to do anything for them.
      I have a smartphone from Samsung but not a Galaxy Note 7 hopefully.
      I hope that answered your questions.

      Cindy M.

    2. Hi Cindy!
      Don't worry for the late answer, I know we all have a lot do do at the moment.
      Ok that's interesting to see that Samsung gave financial compensations even if phones didn't burn out. This shows that they care about their customers. But in the other hand, I didn't know that they didn't do anything when people had problems with Samsung phones in their houses. I think this conveys a negative image of the company.
      My old phone was also a Samsung, hopefully not a Galaxy Note 7.
      Thank you for your complete answer!

      Floriane C.

  2. Hi Cindy!
    Thank you for giving us this fresh news of the problem of Samsung’s smartphone which concerns almost everybody because in today’s society, we are all living in an environment in which smartphones are nearly present everywhere. More we are informed of the potential danger, better we could deal with it when necessary.
    Personally speaking, I do think this is a huge problem involving public safety. What interests me is your opinion about the way in which Samsung deals with this problem? Do you think they have done their best or they have more responsibility to take?

    Bei H.

    1. Hi Bei!
      Thank your for having read my article and your questions.
      I think that Samsung could have done better. They shoud have told the truth since the beginning as it's obvious (for me) that they've known quickly that their smartphones had some troubles. Moreover, it's taken quite a long time for them to do something, financially speaking. Ans as I said to Floriane, they didn't want to do more concerning damage that some people had in their house. Honestly, for such a big company, it's really a shame to act like that.
      And you, what do you think of this?
      I hope that answered your questions

      Cindy M.

  3. Hello Cindy,

    Your article is very interesting.

    A few weeks ago I took the plane to go to Amsterdam, and before boarding on the plane the hostess said at the microphones that all the passengers had to declare the possession of this phone, and that it was forbidden to bring it on the plane. Reading your article I was reminded this episode.

    I would like to ask you how all of this can affect the economy and the company's image? Besides, now the phone market is very competitive, there are companies like Huawei who produces a very efficient phones at affordable prices. So, any mistake of these companies could be decisive for their future.

    Anouar E.

    1. Hello Anouar!
      Thank you for having read my article.
      I've found your question really interesting. Well, even if Samsung is a big company, it has affected its image for sure. People now could not trust the brand ass they used to do it, especially when we know that the company didn't react as quickly as people were especting them to do. Moreover, the brand notoriety is based on the quality of its smartphones that could be in competition with Apple and its iPhones. So, such an issue can question the ability of Samsung to manufacture smartphone properly, they have to be careful with the next one they want to sell. It's true that now that there are brand like Huawei or Wiko, the competition is fiercer that ever and every mistake from a brand could make customers turn to low-cost smartphones. And I can totally understand that, what's the point to spend a lot on a smartphone if there is a risk that it could burn out?
      I hope that answered your question.

      Cindy M.


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