The BodyShop’s marketing campaign proves once again the company’s commitment to global issues.

United Kingdom October 15 - Environmentally friendly, Eco-conscious, fair trade oriented, The Body Shop, the world’s second largest franchise in the cosmetic industry recently launched its new campaign “heart makers” to highlight its commitment toward ecology and welfare causes by promoting its core values.

It is clear that consumers have changed their behavior to a more aware style of consuming since the 90’s. As a result it is more and more important for companies to show to their customers that they are committed to noble cause. Consistent with the company’s core values the campaign “Heart Makers”aims to select five young ambassadors that will represent the firm’s values for the next year  such as campaigning against animal testing, supporting community fair trade, activating self esteem, defending human rights and protecting the planet. The nationwide social media driven campaign that takes place on Facebook will last two weeks during which participants should apply by showing their interest and commitment regarding these causes.

“Were are looking for 5 representatives that embody our brand mantra Said social media manager Roman Stanfield

Since its creation by Anita Roddick, the environmental and social activist well known for her unrivalled commitment to charity including especially her involvement with Green Peace the company has kept on drawing from an ethical consumerism that inspires its product development strategy.

The beauty with a heart
 At the BodyShop, products are designed by building upon the values the company promotes. If you enter a shop you are more likely to find beauty product made of ingredient sourced through the Fairtrade supply chain to the benefit of communities, 100% natural butters and “cruelty free” creams not tested on animals. Given this product positioning, the marketing mix that stem from it shows us premium prices and a promotion organization based on creating activist events. From animal protection to campaigning against sex trafficking the firm strives for good, driving long term changes.

About the BodyShop: The body shop is an English firm. It creates substantial types of cosmetics products and skin care treatments. The ranges of products are colorful, fruity and based on ingredients that are more typically used when it comes to desert. Founded in 1976 in Brighton the company became part of the France based L’Oréal group in the year 2006. Today, the subsidiary trades in 65 countries and owns about 2600 retail stores across the globe including approximately 1500 franchises.

Jordane G


  1. This concept of BodyShop is really interesting, I know a shop in Grenoble which is "Lush". They sell fresh handmade cosmetics. They fight against animal tests, they are environmentally friendly... They have a real CSR (Corporate Social Responsability). They do it because they want to be involved in this noble cause. At the beginning there was few people because the concept was totally new. Little by little they managed to seduce consumers by demonstrating how to use their products. I tried it and I liked it. It is different, it smells better, it is more authentic and above all much more natural !

    Maëlys TA

    1. Thanks for your comment,

      You are right to mention that the BodyShop is not the only one to create this kind of product. Of course, the same concept is adopted by other companies. Nevertheless, when I started to write the article I found out that the BS's commitment to global issues is more significant that I expected. A closer look reveals quite clearly that the company does much more than what is necessary to strengthen its image on the market and that is what makes the BS so unique.

  2. Very interesting topic. As you know, more and more companies adopt such behavior: totally respectful of nature. In addition to being a noble cause this company can diversify its product range and attract new customers. I think this is THE solution that every company should adopt. Moreover, it is my firm belief that it is even better that a cosmetic company as Bodyshop uses ecological and natural products: Would you be able to rub "chemical" cream on your face?
    Personally I won't be able to do it.
    And as said maelys: "Handmade cosmetics are more authentic and above all much more natural"


    1. Thanks for your comment,

      In my view the fact that more and more companies adopt such behavior is to be considered as a trend. Nevertheless, I do not deny that they can make good money out of it therefore I support this initiative. I understand your concern regarding the chemical composition so be carefull with the next moisturizer you buy. Do not hesitate to enquire about it. I’m sure a seller will be able to provide you with a nourishing product that best suit your skin needs.


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