Chilled ready meals cast doubt on the French gastronomy

Has anyone ever gone to the restaurant and doubted the quality of the meal? Today the situation is that we enjoy going to the restaurant and having fun but we wonder in which restaurant? In fact, when we are served the “mysterious plate” we doubt the freshness and the origin of the products. So do homemade foods still exist and where are they?

The new chef profile

Since the early 20th the new appliances have changed the way we work even in catering. So, nowadays what does a restaurateur look like? For sure to claim being a restaurateur they all have an oven, a fridge, cutlery, pots and recipe books. Actually, a restaurateur is not a chef and today too many people who have not been trained as chefs open restaurants such as the managers of Crep’eat who studied finance.
According to the reports concerning the food industry, nowadays the majority of restaurateurs are more entrepreneurs than chefs. Furthermore, to achieve their financial objective they can count on recipe books, food manufacturers who produce every “traditional” French meal and a magic appliance – the microwave. Clients can be sure that restaurateurs use this kitchen tool for every service and even more for each meal

Industrialised food

Like, loath or deny it but industrialised meals are in our restaurants. Since the 1800s, industrialisation has progressed, and gained admittance in our everyday activities even in the kitchen. Has anyone ever bought a ready meal and heated it in the microwave because of a lack of time?
At the beginning, ready foods crept into our restaurants firstly through canned foods such as tins of sliced peeled tomatoes, chilled vegetables and desserts. The idea was to save time and serve the clients rapidly. The development of industrialised food companies such as Lustucru allows restaurateurs to save much money because selling chilled ready foods needs fewer employees.
Taking into account the French economic climate i.e. the consequences of the 2008 crisis and the increase in taxes it is difficult for a restaurateur to make profit by purchasing fresh products. Actually, restaurateurs have to reduce their cost as much as they can especially by reducing their staff and the quality of their meals. The most affected by those changes are the customers.

The “homemade” bill

Given that situation, Alain Ducasse and Joël Robuchon – French chefs – tried to question the government secretaries about this subject. They wanted to make a distinction between restaurateurs who use ready foods and those who create their meals. The idea was to introduce the wording “homemade” in every restaurant which does not use chilled ready food. The law was rejected by the Senate because of the pressure of the lobbyists.
However we can wonder about the application of this bill? For now, the government has difficulty keeping a close eye on hygiene in restaurants because of a shortage of agents, so how can we be sure that restaurateurs will use honestly the wording “homemade”.

To conclude, we can say that chilled ready meals have been introduced in many restaurants but the fresh French gastronomy still exists we just have to pay more for it. For the moment, while waiting for the law to pass customers can ask restaurateurs if the meals are homemade.

Websites: LeMonde, BBC, L’hôtellerie

Jennifer A.


  1. very interesisting topic, i do agree that homemade meal is better and much more teasty yet is more expensive when we order it in a restaurant. In mine opinion many restaurants are using prepared meals or cooking in a big quantity and after warm it up if someone has order it. And normally we can teast the differences between a homemeal and prepared meal from a store.
    It is so that it has it advantages anddisadvatage like being prepared earlier and the disadvatage is that the quality is not the same and that means more time.
    I prefer eating a homemeal even if i have to pay more for the meal that is also one of the reason going to a restaurant. Because if the restaurant sells chilled meal i can do it as well home.

    1. I agree with you, I prefer paying more to be sure that it’s a homemade meal. But we have to noticed that normally, every restaurant should sell homemade meal and if not they should precise it. Furthermore, restaurateurs who haven’t been trained should take on reel chef to propose homemade meals.

      Jennifer A.

  2. A few reports opened us eyes previously just like this article who summarize us clearly the situation between the business managers who smelt the bargain in restoration and those who choose the quality in front of the purse.
    Nevertheless good quality and home-made do not rhyme necessarily with bankruptcy according to me because a good restaurant owner/restorer who uses fresh products and who realizes his dishes from A to Z will develop loyalty of a clientele aware of a more and more rare know-how nowadays.

    1. It is true that homemade meal does not systematically go with bankruptcy and restaurateurs have to understand that. In fact the biggest restaurants of French gastronomy have great success in the public opinion even if people have to pay much for it. We, the clients, are ready to pay for a certain quality and to waste good time to enjoy a delicious meal.

      If I find a restaurant where I can be sure that the products are fresh and the chef expresses his creativity I will go there almost twice a month just to enjoy a succulent meal.

      Jennifer A.

    2. I find your article very interesting. Introduce the designation “homemade” in every restaurant is a good idea! Like that we can be sure that products are fresh and quality assured. Gastronomy is a big part of French Culture and it is essential to protect it.

      M. Ribella

    3. Thanks, for your comment. I find the subject really interesting too because of the French Gastronomy importance in our culture and in the wording "Made in France". I hope that questioning restaurateurs about their meals, will make them pay more attention.


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