What does pacification consist in ?
« Pacification » is a term from the military and colonial vocabulary. After the conquest of a territory or the declaration of this conquest, rebels can question the conquerors' order which is why those rebels must have an armed intervention to insure the order and the invaders control of the rebels.

The beginning of pacification
Slum process (more commonly named « favelas ») started in 2008, symbolizing the beginning of pacification in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
In 2008 the government decided to launch a campaign with the aim of improving public security before hosting the two biggest sporting events in the world (2014 Fifa World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games). Thereby since that year more than 30 favelas in Rio have been « pacified », but there are more than 600 favelas in this city and some critics were saying that the pacification programme was launched only to favour areas near richer neighbourhoods which attract tourists and especially spectators and supporters. 

One of the biggest interventions
Between November 2010 and 2011 Brazilian security forces made assaults on two groups of favelas in the North and then in the South of the town. To do so they used heavy means such as armoured vehicles, helicopters and very trained commandos. There were real war scenes between Brazilian security forces and hundreds of drug traffickers entrenched in the two favelas Vila Cruzeiro and Complexo do Alemão. Therefore at least 40 persons were killed during those confrontations.
Reasons of pacification
Why so many means have been deployed in order to occupy neighbourhoods of Rio where, for years the authorities almost gave up fulfilling their functions leading the population and giving the services it needed?
Firstly because in nine years (from 1991 to 2000) more than 69 new slums appeared. Secondly all these measures to reconquer the favelas were necessary for the inhabitants who were hostages from drug traffic which progressively monopolized the gas, water and electricity distribution and Internet access (pirated) for 20 years.
Moreover in the past, the problem for the police was not to know how to enter a favela but a strength issue in order to stay in there. The aim of the police has been reconsidered. Before their priority was to sent drug bosses to prison but today it is to weaken the economic baser of drug traffickers because their biggest weakness is their territory. Indeed they need it to stock drugs and weapons.

The real aim of pacification
According to colonel Robson Rodrigues from the Military Police of Rio, who has been really involved in that pacification project, “it is the Olympic Games event which imposes our choices. I would say that without this event, this policy would never have seen the light of day”.

And if Brazil had not been selected to host this two world's biggest events? Would they have left people in misery and terror?



  1. It is a very interesting subject and to answer your question - as a soccer fan - I think that if the World Cup would not have been organized in Brazil, Brazilian security forces would not be worry about people in favelas. In fact, they just began this pacification programm in order to give a better image to millions of people that will come to enjoy and visit the country during the two big events in 2014 and 2016. Favelas have a significant power in the country, and I think that many areas in these favelas are so dangerous that even policemen won't go there. Many people are worried about this 2014 World Cup that without any doubts is going to be very dangerous for tourists.
    Ivan Lopez

    1. I completely agree with you Ivan. I wrote this article in order to show people how much unfair is the world. For years those who lived in favelas have been waiting for help from the Brazilian authorities and they did nothing. And because Brazil will host two big events they began to act and to clean favelas.
      Which irritates me is also the media. Indeed two years ago I gave a talk on that subject because that was at that time a heavily covered media event. And then for a long period there were no more news about pacification or Brazil or anything linked to that topic until recently...Why now ? Perhaps because the World Cup is drawing near..

      Laurie Jacquet

  2. I can't help but think that this "pacification" is a pathetic attempt to sweep under the rug the Brazilian government's lack of action concerning favelas so far . Until Brazil's selection as a host for the Olympic Games and the Fifa World Cup, little had been done to improve the living conditions in those slums. The Brazilian politicians didn't worry that people living there were under fire, at the mercy of drug traffickers. If I had been Brazilian, I wouldn't have bitten the hand that fed me and welcomed any help. However, I'm sure that at some point, I would have been cynical about it.
    Soulef B.

    1. Like you said Soulef pacification is a pathetic attempt to act finally against drug traffickers who are controlling favelas and bringing terror. Even though the Brazilian authorities launched this campaign, I'm not sure that all slums will be « clean » before the first big event in June 2014. And what Ivan wrote was also true, favelas have a significant power in Brazil especially in Rio de Janeiro because they are so numerous. I hope everything will go well and that after hosting the two biggest sporting events the Brazilian government will continue to lead action against traffickers.

      Laurie Jacquet

  3. I think that the two world’s soccer events have accelerated the need for the Brazilian government to clean the city. As Brazil economy has changed over the last 10 years, it was certain that sooner or later a higher security policy would be needed. Indeed, “favelas” has an impact on the population but also on the economy.
    I saw a report on Brazil which explains that businessmen cannot move in the country without security agents and armoured vehicles. Consequently, the Brazilian government would attract more businessmen if they can guarantee a high security to the investors.

    Jennifer A.


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