Women in companies: How to break the glass ceiling?

Let’s talk about a subject that everybody knows, but which is not improving very fast. How many of you know a woman who has acquired advanced job positions? Maybe just one or two at the very most! The fact is that women represent about half of the French working population and they are more qualified than men. Even so, women in companies are very often facing the glass ceiling problem, but hopefully it won’t last forever. Ladies, you have to realise that you can change your image in the mind of your old-fashion male boss, and in order to do so, these are some solutions.
“Glass ceiling” is an expression born in the USA, at the end of the seventies. It refers to the invisible barriers that keep women and other minorities from reaching advanced job positions in companies.

A different way to see their jobs
According to a lot of people, the main problem that keeps women at the bottom of the hierarchy is that they are more concerned about their private lives than about the achievement of their careers. In my opinion this is not true. Despite having family prospects, many women want to have a brilliant career where they would be respected and estimated. However it is not as simple as it seems. In their everyday life, women have much more to meet than men: Even if things are about to change, women always look after children, house, husband, and other pets. Obviously by doing so, they have less time than men to deal with their professional activities. They are also considered as being not involved enough.
The second main problem of a lot of women is that they don’t dare ask for what their companies owe them as well as they are waiting to be promoted or rewarded for their work. Furthermore, because of their families, they fear to be mobile, and don’t really want to be 5 days a week lost in the middle of Scotland while their children stay in Paris with their father.

Concerning women themselves, there are some improvements to make: They have as many diplomas as men but they have to show more that they are efficient and involved: Be self-confident, visible, and don’t hesitate to ask for a promotion! In others words, you must assume your leaders’ role and project yourself in a high-level’s career.
In 2009, The French State promulgated the Copé - Zimmermann’s law, concerning the proportional representation of men and women in boards of directors. Consequently, the number of women in boards of directors has increased from 10 to 20% or even 40% in some companies. On average, women represent only 11%.

An example of improvement: L’Oréal
L’Oréal has carried out various changes to increase the efficiency and results of its teams. It recruits the same number of Women Executives and Men Executives, aiming for an equal representation. As a result, 63% of employees are women, and they represent 39% in boards of direction. Women have management and leadership trainings, helping them to find their posts in such a male background. Concerning their international careers, the company helps spouses to find a job in the host country. It also opened a creche in 2008, so as women can continue to work while they leave their children in the care of the company.

To conclude, Women have to impose their way to see things and to claim a recompense for what they do. Above all, they must not censor themselves. A recent American study shows that there is a link between rudeness and high level of salary. The more you’re rude with your colleagues, the more you’re respected and well-paid. Being appreciated but penniless or hated but rich, do we really need to make a choice?

Noémie GONIN


  1. I really like the end of the article. I think it is very true that people who dare the most are the ones who succeed the best. And usually as you said, women do not dare asking for something like a salary increase. But now, if I had to choose, I would seriously prefer being less paid and being appreciated and going to work with a smile, however there will always be some people who will dare more than we will, and that will steal our places! But we need to know that it is not the one who will yell the loudest who will win, we simply need to be a bit more clever than that.. we are future wonderful negotiators aren't we?


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